Od dawna (chyba od zeszłych wakacji) szukałam fajnego pierścionka z turkusowym kamykiem.
Wszystkie były bardzo duże i niewygodne.
W końcu znalazłam :-)
I to dwa na dodatek.
Zestaw dwóch pierścionków 19,90 zł, oczywiście H&M.
Który podoba Wam się bardziej?
For a long time (perhaps from previous summer) I was looking for a cool ring with turquoise stone.
All were very large and uncomfortable.
In the end I found :-)
And two of the additive.
Set of two rings 19,90 zł, of course H & M.
Which one you like more?
For a long time (perhaps from previous summer) I was looking for a cool ring with turquoise stone.
All were very large and uncomfortable.
In the end I found :-)
And two of the additive.
Set of two rings 19,90 zł, of course H & M.
Which one you like more?